# Player deposits

In DeBets players play your games by depositing funds into DeBets Smart Contract. The amount deposited is the initial balance available to the player to play the games.
Players can create, use and manage multiple deposits.

The data that represents a deposit is stored in the Smart Contract and it is described in detail in this page of the user documentation. You are strongly suggested to read this page and from now on we will assume that you have an understanding of a player deposit and the data that represents it in the Smart Contract.

# Which games can be played with a deposit

Which games can be played with a deposit depends on the type of integration with DeBets.

# Game providers

Game providers integrate DeBets in order to list and make available their games in DeBets website. Under DeBets website each deposit is relative to a gaming account of a specific game provider, therefore the player can use the deposit to play all games of that game provider.

# Gaming operators

Gaming operators integrate DeBets in order to use it as a payment solution for their gambling websites. In this case the gaming accounts belong to the gaming operator that owns the website and the player can use a deposit to play any game available on the website.

# Deposit public keys

Every deposit is associated to two public keys that correspond to the private keys used to sign changes of the player balance during game play within DeBets Offchain Transaction Protocol: one private key is used by DeBets Client App to sign the message on behalf of the player and one private key is used by DeBets Seamless Server to sign messages on your behalf. The latter private key belongs to the gaming account that correponds to the cryptocurrency in use in the deposit. Therefore there is one public/private pair of keys for each gaming account that you have.
For a deposit to be usable, the player public key and the gaming account public key that are associated to it must be known by the Smart Contract.
The player public/private keys are stored in the player device and the public key is installed in the Smart Contract automatically the first time the player creates a deposit.
After you enroll DeBets takes care of generating a public/private pair of keys for each of your gaming account, storing them on DeBets Seamless Server and then installs the public key in the Smart Contract where it is associated to the wallet address that you have provided in the enrollment request.