Gaming reports
These reports are built with aggregated data from game play. Data is aggregated every 30 minutes so this corresponds to the smallest time resolution for the date range that you use.
Games reports and player reports require you to select a gaming account from the left.
Deposits report
The deposit report is built with aggregated data from player deposits. Data is aggregated every 30 minutes so this corresponds to the smallest time resolution for the date range that you use.
Here is an explanation of each column:
- deposits: number of deposits created
- amount deposited: sum of the amount deposited from all deposits
- deposits in profit: number of closed losing deposits (in profit for you)
- amount profited: total amount you profited from closed losing deposits
- deposits in loss: number of closed winning deposits (in loss for you)
- amount paid: total amount you paid from closed winning deposits (this includes the amount from deposits that have been fully paid at closing time and the amount that has been paid at closing time for deposits that are in due-payment (not fully paid), see Deposit due payment)
- due deposits: number of deposits in due-payment (not fully paid)
- amount due: total amount due of deposits in due-payment (not fully paid)