Bet/Win transactions
This history shows the bet/win transactions that take place when games are being played.
Most of the fields in the table should be self-explanatory. It is worth mentioning that the IDs of transaction, round and session are the ones that DeBets Seamless Server receives from the seamless requests made by your game server or gaming platform upon each bet or win transaction.
The deposit column shows, besides the ID of the deposit, the current balance of the player right after the transaction took place.
Gaming Account transactions
This history shows the list of transactions that correpond to a change in the balance of gaming accounts. The balance of a gaming account changes anytime one of such events takes place:
- closing of a losing deposit: in this case the gaming account balance is incremented by the amount lost by the player
- closing of winning deposit: in this case the amount loss by the player is deducted from the balance of the gaming account
- withdrawal of funds: this hapens when you withdraw part of the funds held by the smart contract for a given gaming account
- depositing of funds: this happens when you deposit more funds into the smart contract in order to increment the balance of a given gaming account
when a winning deposit is closed the change in balance might not correspond to the full amount won by the player. If the current balance is not enough to cover the amount won then only the part that can be covered is paid immediately to the player (see Deposit due payment)