# Backoffice

DeBets Backoffice can be accessed at the following URL:


This are the main functionalities that the Backoffice provides:

  • management of gaming accounts: see the balance of your gaming acounts, withdraw and deposit funds into gaming accounts, see which gaming accounts have deposits that are in due payment
  • history:
    • history of bet/win transactions from game play
    • history of transactions on your gaming accounts (withdrawals, deposits, profit from losing deposit, payments of winning deposits)
  • gaming reports: these reports are based on aggregated data from game play (total bet, total win, payback, average win, hit frequency, unique players, etc). Data can be grouped by game, player or gaming account
  • deposits report: this report is based on aggregated data from deposits created by players (total amount deposited, number of deposits, total amount won/lost from closing deposits, etc)
  • player deposits: listing and management of player deposits. You can filter deposit by status, request the closing of deposits, pay deposits that are in due payment state, etc
  • games configuration: here you can control how your games appear on DeBets website. You can hide/show games, edit tags, edit game types, etc. This functionality is only available if you are a game provider that is listing its games in DeBets website
  • settings: edit settings such as reference currency, notifications, automatic closing of deposits, etc

# Backoffice main view

Here is how the main view of the Backoffice looks like:

  • on the left side there is a navigation menu and above it the selection of the gaming account. When a gaming account is selected it is used as a filter for any data shown in the Backoffice. When no gaming account is selected the data shown is a sum of the data of all gaming accounts, converted into the reference currency.
  • the central part of the main view shows a summary of statistical data
    • At the top there is a trend chart built with data from game play which shows the trend of different metrics (such as total bet, total win, etc) for a configurable date range
    • Below the trend chart two tables show a summary of statistical data from game play (on the left) and from player deposits (on the right)
  • the right side is dedicated to the management of the gaming accounts balance. You can toggle between displaying the balance of each account and displaying the total due amount of each account. At the bottom a list view shows the recent transactions that took place for any of the available gaming accounts.

# Management of the gaming account balance

The right side of the main view allows you to manage the balance of your gaming accounts.

You can withdraw part or all the funds of each gaming account by clicking on the withdraw button.
You can deposit funds into a gaming account by clicking on the deposit button.

Both operations require you to connect your wallet.